5th transnational meeting @ Belgrade
The 5th transnational meeting of ProSTEAM project took place at the Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade at 10th – 11th October 2024. The Faculty of Education provides training for teachers and pre-school teachers, as well as a PhD programme in teaching methodology. Located in Belgrade, Serbia.

The main objective of the meeting was to make a balance of work carried out, discuss the piloting of the educational packages, and discuss the design and production of Teachers’ Guide, Students’ Handbook and Online Community of Practice.
4th transnational meeting @ Vilnius
The 4th transnational meeting of ProSTEAM project took place at VDU at 20th – 22nd May 2024. VDU Academy of Education is an academical unit of Vytautas Magnus University, which is specialized in preparing teachers and other educators. Located in Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania.

The main objective of the meeting was to discuss, among the partners the execution of the tasks (ProSTEAM Educational Packages, Teachers’ Guide, Sudent’s Handbook and Online Community of Practice) allocated to each partner and the consolidation of the goals and products established within the scope of ProSTEAM.
3rd transnational meeting @ Tomar
The 3rd transnational meeting of ProSTEAM project was held at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal, at 23rd – 27th October 2023.

This meeting took place over five days. During the first three days, workshops were held in which the partners presented the educational packages they had designed to a group of teachers. The purpose of these Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (LLT) was to train this group of teachers with the aim of them later playing a role in training a group of teachers selected for the piloting phase of the packages.
The 3rd transnational meeting was held over the next 2 days, at which an assessment of the LTT was presented. During this meeting, discussions began on products O4 (Teacher’s Guide) and O5 (Student’s Handbook).
2nd transnational meeting @ Pisa
The 2nd face-to-face meeting of the ProSTEAM project took place on 17th and 18th October 2022. The meeting was held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy.

At this transnational meeting, a preliminary pedagogical structure was discussed, aimed at informing the design of the activities and educational materials to be developed within the framework of the ProSTEAM Project
1st transnational meeting @ Lisbon
The 1st face-to-face meeting of the ProSTEAM project took place on 30th and 31st May 2022. The meeting was held at ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Portugal.

The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the various stages of the project’s development to the partners. A preliminary version of the results of O1 (National Evaluation Needs Report) was also presented, as well as the report on the mapping of the partners’ national primary school curricula, and the process of selecting the activities to be integrated into O3 (Educational Packages) began.